Save three hours a day with the “3 Ds”
Sachen auf die lange Bank schieben, unnötige Unterlagen aufheben und das Gefühl, alles selber machen zu müssen, können Sie bis zu drei Stunden am Tag kosten. Mit diesem Tipp von Secretary Today arbeiten Sie jetzt effektiver und schneller.
Do you know how much time you lose every day by putting off certain tasks, holding on to information you don’t really need and doing more than you really need to? The “3Ds” are an effective tool to help you save time and work more efficiently. Use them to save up to three hours a day. They are:
Do it – Dump it – Delegate it
The three Ds principle works for all the stuff piled up on your desk that you haven’t had time to do.
This is how you put it into action:
Go through the pile and take each document into your hand ONCE only. If you can do a job in three minutes or less DO it.
If it’s something that has been lying there for ages and you don’t really know what to do with it or why you are keeping it, DUMP it.
If it is something that someone else could do better, DELEGATE it. In this case, delegating can also mean delegating something that will take longer than three minutes to do to a later date. Just make sure that you DO it at that later date.
According to a new survey by and America Online, the average US worker fritters away 1.86 hours a day.
The top time-wasting activitiesstated were
- surfing the internet
- socialising with co-workers
- running errands off premises