So kommen Sie im neuen Jahr in Ihrem Job voran!

5 tips to get ahead in your job in the New Year

Neujahrsvorsätze sind oft unrealistisch und häufig bereits Ende Januar Schall und Rauch. Machen Sie dieses Jahr stattdessen mit diesen 5 Tipps von Secretary Today realistische Pläne.


Only 12 % of us keep our New Year’s Resolutions for more than two months, according to AOL. That’s a sobering thought!

So instead of setting yourself unrealistic targets, think about where your career is heading and make plans you can achieve. Use these five tips to plan your career.


1 Ask yourself what you want to achieve

Where do you want to change in your job as a secretary this year? What are your targets for the next three years? By focusing on your  future, you will identify what is important to you and recognise how far you can go with your present employer. Study company structures to identify possible opportunities. Find out if there is anything you can take over from your boss to support him further while at the same time boosting your own profile and skills.


2 Get involved

Is there some project you could get involved in? Would you like to take on training new employees or coaching existing stuff? For example, you could organise a seminar to teach junior secretaries and trainees how to telephone professionally in English or how to write professional English business letters.


3 Do a skills audit

What new skills do you need to become even more effective? Do you need to improve your language or computer skills? When you have identified your training needs, find out which trainers offer appropriate courses and get your boss to support you.


4 Talk about your goals

Now is the time to approach your boss to talk about anything that is stopping you meeting your goals. It’s also a good time to discuss your working conditions, salary and perks.


5 Review your progress

Once you have decided on your plan for the New Year, write it down and put it where you can see it. Review your progress regularly and let your boss know how you are doing.


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