Protokoll führen auf Englisch

Take the minutes please
Protokoll führen ist eine verantwortungsvolle Aufgabe. Hier lernen Sie, wie Sie diese Aufgabe auf Englisch meistern.

The minutes have to be very accurate because they serve as an official record of a meeting.  

They include:

● The name of the organisation  or department
● The location, date and time the meeting starts and ends
● The type of meeting (weekly, monthly, etc.)
● The names and functions of the participants
● The topics discussed
● The main discussion points and motions made
● The decisions reached
● The person or people responsible for action
● The follow-up date

These pointers will help you write perfect minutes:

Before the meeting

■ Decide how to take notes – shorthand, longhand, laptop, recording device.
■ Form an outline from the  agenda.
■ Make sure you have the name and function of all attendees.

During the meeting

■ Pass around an attendance sheet.
■ Note down the time the chair- person calls the meeting to order and when it ends.
■ Don’t write down every single comment – you only need to record the main ideas.
■ Note any motions made, who  made them and who seconded
■ Note down the outcome of votes and whether it was by a show of hands or in writing.

After the Meeting

■ Type up the minutes as long as everything is fresh in your mind.
■ Proofread before submitting.
■ Attach documents given out at the meeting.


Minutes of a meeting

So könnte der erste Punkt in einem Sitzungsprotokoll aussehen:


Weekly Management Meeting
29 September 2005 - 10:30 - 11.30 am, Head Office, Bonn
Attendees: Thomas Müller, VP Strategy Planning (Chair); Roland Fisher - VP Research and Development (R&D); Frank Mills VP Corporate Law

Topic 1

Proposal for cooperation agreement with Möller AG

All participants agreed that the proposed cooperation with Möller is a good idea.
Möller is a well-know company that produces high-quality goods. 
Frank mentioned that Head Office in Utah must be contacted before further steps are taken. R&D say there should be no major software problems. They are preparing a detailed analysis of possible projects for cooperation projects.

Frank will inform Utah. Thomas and Roland will arrange further discussions with Möller.


Weitere Tipps zum Thema 'Protokoll führen' finden Sie in Secretary Today