Nutzen Sie das Sommerloch für die Weihnachtsplanung

How to make use of the summer slump – start your Xmas planning

In der Urlaubszeit ist es meist etwas ruhiger. Es klingt vielleicht komisch, aber das Sommerloch ist eine ideale Zeit, um an Weihnachten zu denken.

It may seem silly to start thinking of Christmas at this time of year . But you know how time flies, and you also know how busy you often are at the end of the year. So why not make use of the summer slump and do some thorough Christmas planning?

You can go through your Christmas card list and add any new contacts your boss has made this year. You can write Christmas messages and put them on file until December. Together with your boss, you can decide who you are going to send gifts to, and you could even start ordering them now.

Your boss might think it’s a little strange that you’re thinking this far ahead, but he or she will be more than grateful when everything has been written, bought
and packed at the beginning of December, well ahead of the Christmas rush.


Weitere Tipps zum Thema 'Weihnachtsvorbereiungen und Organisation' finden Sie in Secretary Today