Seven steps for perfect daily planning
Die Zeit ist eine unserer wichtigsten Ressourcen, aber selten haben wir genug davon. Lesen Sie, wie Sie als Sekretärin durch genaue Planung Ihre Zeit optimal nutzen.
Possibly nothing influences our daily life as much as time. It’s our greatest resource, but we never seem to have enough of it. Since there’s no way we’re ever going to slow it down, we have to make the most of what we have.
The best way to do this in the office is through perfect planning. Follow these 7 steps for perfect daily planning to make sure you make the most of your time.
1 Plan your day the evening before
At the end of each day, make a list of all the things you need to do the following day.
2 Be prepared
When you have written your list, gather as much of the information you need – phone numbers, paper-work, etc. – as you can and put it with the list.
3 Number the list
Number each item on the list and do the nasty jobs first. It is always very tempting to do the easy things first, but think how good you’ll feel if all the nasties are out of the way.
4 Stick to the order
Stick to the numbering on your list. Tick off each item as you go along. Don’t let yourself be distracted by emails all the time. If your job allows it, switch off your email programme and check for messages every two hours or so.
5 Handle each piece of paper once only
If you have a task that can be done in under three minutes, do it straight away. If it’s going to take longer, decide when you are going to do it and put it in a separate folder.
6 Don’t procrastinate
‘Procrastination is the thief of time’, an old English saying goes. The job has to be done some time, so DO IT NOW!
7 Don’t overdo it
When you plan your day, leave some space for unexpected emergencies, and take regular short breaks. Standing up from your desk and taking a breath of fresh air at an open window once an hour, can give you a vital energy boost.