Einzigartige E-Mails


Make your emails stand out from the crowd

Die Zahl der E-Mails, die täglich gesendet werden, steigt unaufhörlich. Wenn Sie sicherstellen wollen,
dass Ihre E-Mails gelesen werden, sollten Sie die folgenden Tipps beachten.

Some 32 billion emails are sent
worldwide each day. By 2006, this number is expected to rise to over
60 billion. Many office workers complain they
are exhausted by the time they have completed their ‘inbox’ task.
To make your emails stand out from the crowd, make them readerfriendly.

General rules

  • Write a clear subject line so the recipient knows what to expect.
  • Never write more than one frame. Put anything longer in an attachment.
  • If you are answering someone else’s email, quote the parts you are referring to.
  • The first time you write to a company, use a formal style. You can get less formal when you know the contact better. If you are on friendly terms with someone, you can use short forms and emoticons, like smileys.
  • Add your contact details with address and telephone numbers in the text.
  • Always take a couple of seconds to read through the mail before pressing the ‘send’ key.


Weitere Tipps zu diesem Thema finden Sie in Secretary Today