Can you deal with angry customers?
Sie haben es leider immer wieder mit verärgerten und aufgebrachten Kunden am Telefon zu tun. Erinnern Sie sich noch an die ASAP-Methode?
The best way to deal with angry customers is the ASAP Method. This does not mean dealing with them a soon as possible (asap). In this case, ASAP takes on a new meaning. Find out if you know how to use this method with this quiz.
1. What does ASAP stand for?
a Apologise, Stand up, Appreciate, Participate
b Accept, Specialise, Acknowledge, Prepare
c Acknowledge, Sympathise, Accept, Prepare
d Appreciate, Specialise, Accept, Participate
2. Which phrase is best to start your conversation with an angry customer?
a I’m sorry this happened.
b Are you sure I’m the right person to help you?
c What do you want us to do about this?
d I will fix your problem.
3. What do you do if the customer is the one who created the problem?
a Tell him you’re not responsible.
b You should still sympathise with the customer.
c You should still apologise for the inconvenience.
4. Can you blame another department if they are responsible?
a Yes, if they created the problem.
b No, I still take responsibility trying to solve the problem.
5. The P in ASAP means you should.....
a participate in the actions that will be taken
b prepare to take action
c prepare to stay calm
d participate in the conversation actively
Weitere Tipps zum Thema 'Umgang mit aufgebrachten Kunden' finden Sie in Secretary Today
Answers: 1 c), 2 a), 3 b), 4 b), 5 b)