Test: Können Sie mit schwierigen Telefonsituationen umgehen?

Dealing with difficult telephone situations in English

Am Telefon haben Sie keine Zeit, sich eine wohlformulierte Antwort zu überlegen. Da ist Schnelligkeit, gekoppelt mit Höflichkeit und Professionalität, gefragt. Können Sie so reagieren? Finden Sie es mit dieser Aufgabe heraus.

Can you respond quickly and professionally on the phone? What would you say in each of these situations?  If you’re not sure, you’ll find the answers jumbled up below.

1) You have to ask someone formore details about their account.

2) You have given someone an important figure, but you think they have not understood you properly.

3) Someone phones and starts telling you about a complaint, but you don’t work in the complaints department.

4) Someone told you a figure, but you’re not sure you understood it properly.

5) The connection starts to break up.

6) Someone calls for a colleague, but he is not there. You offer to take a message.

1) I’m – going –information, – to – a – more – bit – need – mind – you – if – don’t

2) Would – mind – reading – that – you – figure – to – me – back?

3) Before – go – further, – I’ll – someone – problem – through – you – you – any – to – deal – your – can – put – who – with

4) Would – you – mind – that – for – figure – repeating – me?

5) I – would – think – better – called – back – you – it – be – if – I

6) If – tell – you’d – leave – I’ll – you – to – message, – called – like – a – him



Now see if you can fill in the missing words

1) Could you tell me exactly what you have in _ _ n _ ?

2) Could you  p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ speak a little more slowly, please?

3) If you’d like to _ _ _ r with me I’ll be back with that information straight away.

4) Mr Meyer _ _ s _ _ _ _  I don’t put through calls if I don’t know who’s calling.

5) It’s a bad  _ _ _ _ . I’m afraid I can’t understand you.

6) You’re b _ _ _ _ _ _ _ up.

7) Would you mind  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ g that for me please?

8) Can I just c _ _ _ _ that I’ve got that right?

9) I’m sorry, but I can’t quite _ _ _ _ o _ what you’re saying.

10) It’s a really bad connection. Can I call you on a _ _ _ _ l _ _ _ ?

11) I’m sorry to _ _ _ _ _ _ u _ _ you but I need to put you through to someone else.

Weitere Tipps zum Thema 'Schwierige Telefonsituationen' finden Sie in Secretary Today

1) I’m going to need a bit more information, if you don’t mind.
2) Would you mind reading that figure back to me?
3) Before you go any further, I’ll put you through to someone who can deal with your problem.
4) Would you mind repeating that figure for me?
5) I think it would be better if I called you back.
6) If you’d like to leave a message, I’ll tell him you called.


1 mind
2  possibly
3 bear
4 insists
5 line
6 breaking
7 repeating
8 check
9 follow
10 landline
11 interrupt