How to make intercultural small talk on the phone at Christmas
Um diese Jahreszeit drehen sich Gespräche naturgemäß um die bevorstehende Weihnachtszeit. Doch nicht alle Kulturen kennen das Fest. Bereiten Sie sich mit den Tipps von Secretary Today auf interkulturellen Smalltalk vor.
At this time of year, talk naturally turns to the holiday season, at least in our culture. But you should remember that Christmas is aChristian feast. Many other culturesmay knowabout it, but not celebrate.Othersmay have no idea what it is.
Learn how to talk about Christmas and the holiday season with business partners from all over the globe with these tips from Secretary Today.
Here are some phrases that will come handy on the phone at this time of year, regardless of whether you refer to the approaching festive season as Christmas or Holiday Period.
- Are you doing anything nice over Christmas / during the holday period?
- It was nice talking to you. Have a nice Christmas break.
- Goodbye and have a nice break and a very good New Year .
- Have a nice break and I look forward to speaking to you again in the New Year.
- It was nice speaking to you. Have a happy Christmas. Goodbye.
- Goodbye. Have a happy Christmas and a good New Year .
- All the best to you and your family for Christmas and the New Year .
- I hope you have a happy Christmas and a good start to the New Year .
- Please pass on my best wishes for the festive season and the New Year to Harry and George.