So gehen Sie mit angeblich wichtigen Telefonanrufen um

Sie kennen das. Das Telefon klingelt und am anderen Ende ist jemand, der behauptet, eine ganz dringende Nachricht für Ihren Chef zu haben. So stellen Sie fest, ob der Anruf tatsächlich so wichtig ist.

You know the problem. Someone calls and claims to have an urgent message for your boss. How do you know if that is indeed the case?

You may have spoken to your bossabout this issue and perhaps you already have an established policy. If not, set one up immediately. Ask your boss to give you a list of VIPs such as senior management or important clients and personal friends and family whose calls you should always put through. Having a clear policy will allow you to speak with authority, making your job so much easier.

Here are some of the phrases you might hear

  • This is Francis Grieg. Could I speak to Alex, please? He asked me to call with some figures.
  • How can I get hold of him?
  • Can I reach her on another number?
  • Could you give me his mobile / cellphone number?
  • I really do need to speak to Hans.
  • I’m phoning about the new construction plans. It’s very important.
  • I’m sure he’d be interested in hearing this.
  • But he asked me to call him this morning.
  • It’s very urgent. Are you sure he’s not in the building? Have you tried paging him?
  • Could you put me through as quickly as possible? I’m calling from Singapore on my mobile.


And here are some tips for checking that the call really is important

  • Did Mr Bruchmann ask you to call back?
  • When did he say you should call back?
  • Can you tell me what you are calling about?


Weitere Tipps zum Thema 'Wichtige Telefonanrufe' finden Sie in Secretary Today