How to talk about the weather on the phone
Das Wetter wird immer unberechenbarer – im Winter zu kalt, im Sommer zu heiß und überhaupt zu nass und stürmisch. Aber berechenbar bleibt, dass dasWetter immer zu den beliebtesten Small Talk Themen gehört. Bereiten Sie sich mit Secretary Today auf Gespräche über das Wetter vor.
The weather is getting more and more unreliable. After the freezing and seemingly never-ending winter, we had one of the hottest summers in living memory, and then endless rain. But there is one thing you can depend on and that is that the weather remains one of the most reliable subjects for small talk.
As a secretary, you spend a lot of time on the phone. You already know how important small talk is. Prepare yourself for talking about the weather on the phone with this guide.
- Hello Alex. What’s the weather like in Manchester / in your part of the world / where you are? Dreadful. / Not too bad for the time of year. / It’s been raining all week. / It’s rather chilly.
- I hear you’re having a heat wave. Yes, the temperature has been inthe nineties all week. / Yes, it’s sweltering.
- Were you hit by any of those storms / floods / that hurricane? No, thank goodness, they passed us by / yes, it was terrible.
What to say when you talk about …
the heat
it’s nice and warm
it’s really hot
it’s scorching
temperatures are in the eighties
the cold
it’s a bit chilly
it’s quite cold
it’s freezing
it’s much too cold for the time
of year
the rain
it’s drizzling
there’s a real downpour
it’s pouring down
the wind
there’s a cool breeze
it’s very windy
there’s a sharp east wind
the fog
it’s really foggy
it’s a bit misty
Here are some other useful phrases
I think it will rain today
I'm sure it will clear up later
it’s getting warmer
it’s looking up
it should have cleared up by the
end of the week
Cross-cultural tip
In the USA and most other English-speaking countries, people use Fahrenheit to describe how hot or cold it is. If you listen to the weather forecast on the radio or on TV, you will hear the weatherman saying things like “temperatures today are in the upper eighties”, and “It’s another cold day today, with temperatures in the thirties and forties.” Here is a conversion table so you’ll know whether to wear sandals or a warm jacket.
30 s and 40 s -1 - +5° Celsius
low 50 s 10 - 13° Celsius
upper 50 s 13 - 15° Celsius
low 60 s 15 - 17° Celsius
upper 60 s 18 - 21° Celsius
ow 70 s 22 - 24° Celsius
upper 70 s 25 - 26° Celsius
low 80 s 27 - 29° Celsius
very hot
upper 80 s 30 - 32° Celsius
low 90 s 33 - 35° Celsius
upper 90 s over 36° Celsius
water freezes at 32° Fahrenheit