How to talk about project planning on the phone
In Zeiten der Globalisierung werden Sie als Sekretärin immer mehr in internationale Projekte einbezogen. Gerade hier ist es ganz wichtig, dass Sie sich korrekt und unmissverständlich ausdrücken. Secretary Today zeigt Ihnen, wie Sie professionell und sicher am Telefon über Projektplanung sprechen.
As more and more companies goglobal, your chances as a secretary of having to work on international projects is steadily increasing. Effective communication is especially important when you have to talk about project planning in an international environment. Secretary Today shows you how to make yourself clear and sound professional.
Communicating across cultures is always a challenge. When your boss is involved in international project planning, he or she faces a number of difficulties
- There is often not much face-to-face communication.
- Communication on the phone and by email can be difficult when the project planners are from different cultures.
- Native speakers might dominate the conversation.
- Different cultures have different approaches to decision-making.
As a secretary, you will often have to phone around and check on details of the project, arrange meetings and follow up progress. You need a lot of specialist vocabulary to do this. Here are three lists to help you when you discuss project
planning on the phone.
The first one gives you the phases of a project in chronological order from the concept phase – when the first ideas are discussed – to the end phase – when the project planning team has, hopefully successfully, completed its task.
When you have looked at the vocabulary lists, see if you know how to use the words by doing the vocabulary exercise. Then check the answers beneath the exercise.
Use this vocabulary when you are talking about the phases of a project
Deutsch | English |
Konzeptphase | concept phase |
Planungsphase | planning phase |
Designphase | design phase |
Testphase | test phase |
Einführungsphase | launch phase |
Phase, in der ein Produkt in Betrieb geht | live-test phase |
Ausführungsphase | execution phase |
Projektanalyse | evaluation phase |
Abschlussphase | end phase |
Use these verbs when you talk about project planning
Deutsch | English |
abbrechen, zu Ende bringen | to terminate |
Ablaufplan erstellen | to set up a schedule |
anders formulieren | to reformulate |
auf Probleme stoßen | to run into difficulties |
bewilligen | to approve |
einschätzen | to assess |
Fortschritte auswerten | to evaluate progress |
grünes Licht geben | to give the green light |
in Umlauf bringen | to circulate |
prognostizieren | to predict |
überwachen | to monitor |
zusammenfassen | to summarise |
Use these nouns when you talk about project planning
Deutsch | English |
bewerten | to evaluate |
Ergebnis | outcome |
Machbarkeits- prüfung | feasibility study |
Randbedingungen | constraints |
Umfang | scope |
Vorschlag | suggestion |
Zeitplan | schedule |
Ziele | goals, objectives, targets |
Test your project planning vocabulary with this exercise. Insert the verbs or nouns in the correct space. Be careful to put the verbs in the correct tense.
1) I’m phoning to tell you that the project (ist bewilligt worden) _________________.
2) I’ve been asked to tell you we are going to (in Umlauf bringen) _________________ the results of the project so far.
3) Can you tell us the (Umfang) _________________ of the changes you have made?
4) We have organised a meeting to define new (Ziele) _________________.
5) I’m afraid we (auf Probleme gestoßen) _________________ .
6) Can you (zusammenfassen) _________________ the project made so far?
7) I’m calling to tell you (haben grünes Licht bekommen) _____________________________ for the next stage of the project.
8) I’m calling to arrange a meeting for the (Einführungsphase) _________________ .
9) We’re approaching the (Abschlussphase) _________________ of the project.
10) I’m sorry, but we (das Projekt abbrechen) __________________________________ .
Weitere Tipps zum Thema 'Projektplanung per Telefon' finden Sie in Secretary Today
Answers: 1) has been approved. • 2) circulate • 3) scope • 4) targets • 5) have run into difficulties • 6) summarise 7) you have been given the green light • 8) launch phase • 9) end phase • 10) have to terminate the project