So bitten Sie höflich um die Berücksichtigung Ihrer Wünsche

Bending over backwards

Wenn Sie einen besonderen Wunsch haben, sollten Sie auch besonders höflich danach fragen.

English speakers often bend over backwards to be polite when they are asking for something special, even if it’s something they are  entitled to or willing to pay for. This takes some getting used to for German natives, who are usually
much more direct in their requests.

But if you have a special request – like a particular room number or a room with a view – ask nicely. The more polite you are, the more likely the receptionist will be to grant your requests.

This is how to ask for something special – like a native speaker!


How to ask for additional information


Do you happen to have a room on the top floor?

You don’t have a quiet room at the back, do you?

I don’t suppose room 103 is available, is it?

You wouldn’t happen to have a room with a view of the sea, would you?



Weitere Tipps zum Thema 'Reservierungen am Telefon vornehmen' finden Sie in Secretary Today