So beenden Sie Telefongespräche während der Weihnachtszeit

How to end telephone conversations at Christmastime

So beenden Sie zur Weihnachtszeit Ihr Telefonat auf Englisch!
Kein Problem – mit den Tipps von Secretary Today.

Remember that not all ethnic groups celebrate Christmas. Keep your greetings general to include other beliefs – instead of “Merry Christmas” say “Happy holidays”.

End telephone calls in the days before the festive season with these phrases:

● ‘It was nice talking to you. Have a nice holiday season.’

● ‘Goodbye and have a nice festive season and a very good New Year.’

● ‘Have a nice break and I look forward to speaking to you again in the New Year.’

If you want to keep your message traditional use

● ‘It was nice speaking to you. Have a happy Christmas. Goodbye’

● ‘Goodbye. Have a happy Christmas and a good New Year’.

● ‘All the best to you and your family for Christmas and the New Year.’

● ‘I hope you have a happy Christmas and a good start to the New Year.’

How to respond if someone  wishes you ‘Happy Christmas’

Respond by saying

● ‘Thank you very much. The same to you and a happy New Year.’

● ‘Thanks, you too. Merry Christmas.’

Wishes passed to someone else

You can ask for a message to be passed on to someone else by saying

● ‘Please pass on my best wishes for the festive season and the New Year to .......... ’


Weitere Tipps zum Thema 'Telefonieren in der Weihnachtszeit' finden Sie in Secretary Today