Haben Sie eine gute Ansage auf dem Anrufbeantworter?

Make your voice mail speak for you!

Wenn Sie nicht selber ans Telefon gehen können, muss Ihre Mailbox für Sie sprechen. So können Sie sicher sein, dass Ihr Text einen guten Eindruck macht.

In business, the way people judge you is based largely on their first impression. If someone calls your office and you’re not in, the first impression they get of you is your voice mail message. Show callers you care about them by making
your message good. Make it:


  • friendly
  • easy to understand
  • helpful
  • short

You make it friendly by smiling when you record it and by apologising for not being there. You make it easy to understand by speaking slowly and clearly. You make it helpful by giving clear instructions that will assist the caller when you are not available. And you make it short by leaving out unnecessary information.

Include the following information in your voice mail message:

  • your name
  • a short apology for not being there
  • an invitation to leave a message
  • an offer to call back
  • a request for a contact telephone number

Do not say where you are unless it is in some way relevant or important.

Four tips for recording and maintaining perfect voice mail

1. Keep it short – no more than 40 words
2. Rehearse it before recording
3. Change the message regularly, once weekly is ideal
4. Listen carefully to the way people speak onto your mailbox. This will tell you how good – or bad – your message is.

Here is an example of a short and clear voice mail message. Use it as a model for your mailbox: 

“This is Jean Lennox. I’m sorry I’m not there to take your call. You can leave a message after the tone or give me your name and telephone number and I’ll call you back as soon as I can.”


Lesen Sie hier weiter, wie Sie Ihre Mailbox bei längerer Abwesenheit besprechen



Weitere Tipps zu den Themen 'Telefonieren' und 'Ansagen für den Anrufbeantworter' finden Sie in Secretary Today