Gespräche mit englischen Geschäftspartnern: Sagen Sie, was Sie denken!

Sie haben Besuch aus dem englisch-sprachigen Ausland und wollen beim Small Talk mehr als nur ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ sagen? Mit diesen Redewendungen können Sie bei Unterhaltungen mit englisch-sprachigen Gästen immer höflich Ihre Meinung sagen.

How to express opinion with English-speaking guests

Sie haben Besuch aus dem englisch-sprachigen Ausland und wollen beim Small Talk mehr als nur ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ sagen? Mit diesen Redewendungen können Sie bei Unterhaltungen mit englisch-sprachigen Gästen immer höflich Ihre Meinung sagen.

Do you often find yourself searching for words after the preliminary small-talk is over?

Next time you have to talk with English visitors, liven up your conversation with these tips.


Be supportive

Being supportive means agreeing with what your partner is saying.

Guest:  I’d like to get a small present for my friend’s birthday. I thought about getting her a CD.
You: That sounds like a good idea. What about the new Robbie Williams?
Guest:  No,  that won’t do. She doesn’t like him. I thought I’d get her something by a German band. German music isn’t very popular in Britain. 


Show interest

Showing interest is easy. You do it by saying you have understood what the other person said, and you encourage them to keep talking by asking questions.

You: Yes, so I hear. Do you think it’s because not many people understand German?
Guest: Yes, perhaps.
You:  If you want, I could write down the names of some good singers and bands.


Be non-committal

Sometimes, it is better not to say what you think, either because you don’t have an opinion of your own or because you think it’s more diplomatic not to enter into a discussion.

Guest: What do you think about the new German government?
You: Oh, I really wouldn’t like to say.
Guest: Do you think a woman will make a better chancellor?
You: I wish I knew!


Be negative

If you have a strong opinion on something, you can express it. But be careful not to be too extreme. Soften your opinion with words and phrases like ‘to be honest’, ‘really’ and ‘actually’.

Guest: What do you think of the new Health and Safety regulations?
You: To be quite honest, I don’t really agree with them.
Guest: Why not?
You: Well actually, I think they’ve gone over the top with them.


Tip: Say it in English – Practice using these phrases with colleagues at work
whenever you want to give your opinion on something, do it in English. Tipps zum Thema 'Small Talk mit englischen Geschäftspartnern' finden Sie in Secretary Today