Wehren Sie sich gegen Belästigung oder Mobbing

Stand up for yourself

Jede zweite Person soll inzwischen Opfer von Mobbing oder  Belästigung am Arbeitsplatz sein. Lesen Sie, wie Sie die Gefahr erkennen und abwenden können.

Every second person reports being a target of bullying or a victim or harassment at least once in their working or private life.

Harassment is often sexual or racial and is more direct that bullying. Bullying is usually less easy to pinpoint. It starts gradually.

A co-worker or your boss finds fault with your work. Others join in the constant criticism. Before you know it, you are ostracised. Your performance goes unacknowledged and you get blamed for everything that goes wrong. The strange thing is that you can’t put your finger on when it started. Watch out for tell-tale signs, and take immediate action. The longer you wait, the more difficult it will become to resolve the problem.

Finally, if you find it difficult standing up for yourself, boost your self-confidence by attending a self-defence class. Or take up judo, kung-fu or a similar sport.


 SignsWhat you should do
What you should say
unjustified nit-picking, fault-finding over a long period.
Being humiliated in front of others, having to reach unrealistic
Speak to the person, or group, involved. Avoid submissive body language.
"I'd like to know exactly what you're not happy with."
"Can we talk about this openly


SignsWhat you should do   What you should say
Unwanted and unwelcome behaviournranging from mildly unpleasant sexual or racial remarks to physical violence.

Talk to the person. If this does not work, tell your superior or a senior manager.

"I think we have to talk about a few things. I'm not happy with some of the things you're saying/doing."

Weitere Tipps zum Thema 'Belästigung und Mobbing' finden Sie in Secretary Today