So verteilen Sie Komplimente und empfangen welche auf freundliche Art

How to pay and receive compliments

Komplimente sind eine einfache, aber wirkungsvolle Art, Geschäftsbeziehungen aufzubauen. So machen Sie professionelle, wirkungsvolle Komplimente und so reagieren Sie charmant und höflich darauf.

Compliments are a simple and powerful tool in the business world. They make the other person feel good, they make you feel good, they strengthen relationships and they create a good working environment. The most important thing about compliments is that they must be sincere. Here are some suggestions for compliments:

  • You’re looking good today.
  • You’ve had your hair done; it looks lovely.
  • I like the way you formatted that document.
  • You did that job really well. Well done.


Do yourself and others good by paying compliments, and by receiving them gracefully.

Receiving a compliment graciously makes both the giver and receiver feel good. We are often conditioned by our parents to dismiss compliments. We do it by deflecting the compliment, by downgrading it or by transferring the credit to someone else. It’ s usually done by saying something like this:

  • It was just luck.
  • It’s nothing special, really.
  • There are far more deserving people than me.


But accepting a compliment is easy. It just takes two words – Thank you. Said with a smile, those two words are all you need. Stop yourself from letting anything negative come out of your mouth. Of course, you can also expand a little.

Here are some suggestions.

  • What a lovely compliment. Coming from you, I consider that high praise.
  • That’s the nicest thing anyone’s said to me all week.
  • Thank you. I really appreciated  hearing that.
  • Thank you. I like it too. It was a gift and it means a lot to me.


Weitere Tipps zum Thema 'Komplimente machen und empfangen' finden Sie in Secretary Today