Ist Ihr Chef ein Chaot?

Is your boss chaotic?
Erfahren Sie hier, was ihn auszeichnet und worauf Sie achten müssen.

Is your boss chaotic? If the answer is yes, then you’re sure to have an interesting working-life. The chaotic boss is charming and amusing, an all-rounder who enjoys life’s pleasures. He’s excellent at motivating people and he’s everyone’s pal. But he’s also difficult to get hold of. And not very good at cooperating with other people. He rarely does the groundwork on a project.
When times get tough, he tends to exaggerate the situation and becomes cynical.

What to expect

If you work for a chaotic boss, don’t expect him to help you out when you’re in a tight spot. This will be your job. You will be fully responsible for the organization and structure of the office. You will need to be able to work independently, be flexible and have a good sense of humour, because this kind of boss is more than likely to greet you with a wide smile before disappearing and leaving you with a long list of instructions you will need two days to get through.


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