Haben Sie die 12 Qualitäten einer Top - Sekretärin?

Test yourself – do you have the 12 qualities of the ideal secretary?

Kennen Sie die meist genannten Wünsche, die Chefs gegenüber ihren Sekreärinnen und Assistentinnen äußern? Sabine Asgodom, Bestseller-Autorin, Trainerin und Beraterin, hat sie für Sie herausgefunden. Prüfen Sie, ob Sie sie erfüllen.

Bosses want to be understood, they want you to share their feelings, to listen to them and at the same time to be independent. At least that is what they told author and consultant Sabine Asgodom in a recent survey. Find out if you are the ideal secretary with these questions which are based on the answers the executives gave in the survey.

See how many of these questions you can answer with ‘yes’. Then add them together and read how far you are on the road to perfection and what you can do to improve your performance.


1 Do you feel empathy towards your boss?   
2 Do you listen carefully when he or she tells you something?
3 If you don’t know exactly what you should be doing, do you ask for clarification?
4 Do you try to resolve problems as soon as they arise by talking to your boss?
5 Do you discuss which decisions you can make on your own?
6 Do you take responsibility for your own actions?
7 Are you open for criticism, not taking everything personally?
8 Do you think about what you need and tell your boss what it is?
9 Are you tough?
10 Are you flexible and do you welcome change?
11 Do you have good ideas about how to improve the relationship with your boss even further?
12 Are you absolutely loyal?


‘Yes’ answers

10 – 12 You are the perfect secretary. Stay at the top by reading the tips in Secretary Today.
7 – 9 You are good, but not perfect yet. Take the tips in Secretary Today to heart to reach the top.
5 – 8 You probably get on quite well with your boss but perhaps you need to take on some more responsibility. Read the tips in Secretary Today to learn how to talk openly to your boss.
Below 5 There is room for improvement here. Read the tips in Secretary Today and talk to your boss about how to improve relations.


Weitere Tipps zum Thema 'Perfekte Sekretärin' finden Sie in Secretary Today