So schreiben sie schöne, englische Dankesbriefe - schnell und unkompliziert!

Business Englisch ist für Sie als Sekretärin ein nötiger Erfolgsfaktor. Doch leider stellen die englische Geschäftskorrespondenz, die Kommunikation am Telefon und die korrekte englische Rechtschreibung eine große Herausforderung für viele dar.

Holen Sie sich jetzt das Englisch-Standardwerk: "The Secretary's Handbook of Business Englisch" und profitieren Sie von unzähligen Beispielen, Musterbriefen und -bausteinen sowie Anleitungen und Profi-Tipps rund um die perfekte englische Kommunikation!

Professional business correspondence: When you want to say ‘Thank you’

Es gibt viele Gelegenheiten, einen Dankesbrief zu schreiben – Sie wollen sich für ein Geschenk, eine nette Geste oder geleistete Hilfe bedanken. Ein Dankesbrief muss nicht unbedingt lang sein – aber er sollte überzeugend klingen. So gelingen Ihnen kurze, aber professionelle Dankesbriefe, die beim Leser gut ankommen.

There are many opportunities for writing letters showing your appreciation and creating goodwill. These include after receiving an order, assistance or advice, after being sent a gift, or being taken to lunch, or being given a reference. In the UK and USA, you should also write a thank you letter after a job interview.

Such letters can be as brief and simple as you like. But they must be warm and sincere and show the reader you mean what you say, and that you enjoy saying it.

If your letter is about sales matters, don’t include specific sales details or the reader may think you are writing just to promote business.

Useful phrases

After receiving a first order

I would like to say how pleased I was to receive your first order.

Thank you for the opportunity you have given us to supply you with the equipment you need.

After receiving a large order

I want to say how much we appreciate your continued confidence in us.

We shall do our best to maintain the happy business relationship between
us for many years to come.

After prompt settlement of accounts

I am writing to say how much I appreciate the promptness with which you settled your accounts with us during the past year.

For a service performed

Thank you for your letter returning the draft of my new book.

I am very grateful for the trouble you took to examine the draft.

I realise how valuable time is to a busy person like you, which makes me appreciate even more the time you have so generously given.

For information received

Thank you for the letter you sent enclosing the review of our latest products.

It was very kind of you to take the trouble to send us this article, which we might otherwise have overlooked.

For a gift received

I can’t tell you how delighted I was to receive the book you sent me. Dan Brown is one of my favourite authors. It was most thoughtful ofyou and so kind of you to think of me.

After a job interview

I very much enjoyed talking to you last Wednesday and wanted to thank you for taking the time to meet with me.

The information you gave me confirmed what I had already heard about your company.

Thank you again for your time. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.

Tip – How to say thank you for a gift

If you are saying ‘thank you’ for a gift, do it in writing. Handwritten letters are rare these days and your effort will be greatly appreciated. Mention the gift
and say something nice about it.

Übrigens: Solch kurze Praxis-Tipps für Ihren Geschäftsalltag sowie eine große Online-Datenbank mit Musterbriefen, Vokabeln und Übungen wie auch Wichtiges und Aktuelles rund um das Thema Englische Korrespondenz lesen Sie im Journal: "Smart Business English". Testen Sie jetzt Ihren persönlichen Erfolgsratgeber volle 30 Tage lang kostenlos und ohne jedes Risiko! Klicken Sie hier..