10 ways to end your email so the reader will know what to do next

Ende gut, alles gut – die abschließenden Worte in Ihren E-Mails sind besonders wichtig, um die gewünschte Resonanz auf Ihre Nachricht schnell und zuverlässig zu erzielen. Mit den Tipps von Secretary Today kein Problem. Denn Secretary Today steht für perfekte britische und amerikanische Korrespondenz, Gespräche, Telefonate, Geschäftsbesuche und sicheren Small Talk. Fordern Sie Ihren persönlichen Business English Trainer jetzt zum kostenlosen 30-Tage-Test an – klicken Sie hier!

Do you know what it’s like when you’re really pleased with an email you have just written, but somehow can’t seem to find the right words to close it? You are not alone! Knowing what to say at the end of a message, especially when we need to make a request for action, is a problem many of us have.

But it’s very important to make the closing polite and at the same time clear, so the reader will know what to do after reading your email. If you want to remind the reader about a deadline or a schedule, or if you need them to do something important, you should take care to avoid worn-out clichés in your closing sentence or sentences. Clichés are abstract phrases like “do not hesitate to contact us” that we use without thinking.

Insider Tip: If there is a deadline in your message, put it in the subject line of your email. This way, there’s no chance that the recipient will overlook it.

Subject: Manuscript chapter 5 to correct – deadline 14 April

Why do we use clichés in business writing?

We learn these phrases from our supervisors, in academic business writing classes, or by copying what other people do. We use them because they’re the norm, the default mode, and we’re afraid of trying anything new.

In reality, though, these clichés are just a quick exit strategy. They mean
we don’t have to think carefully about what to write.

Click here for 10 good finishing phrases ...