Tägliches Englisch am Telefon

Everyday English on the phone

Das Englisch muttersprachlicher Gesprächsteilnehmer ist selten so, wie wir es aus deutschen Lehrbüchern kennen. Wie gut kommen Sie klar, wenn Sie mit Muttersprachlern telefonieren? Finden Sie es mit diesem Quiz heraus.

How efficient do you sound on the phone? Can you impress international callers with your telephone English? Find out with this quiz.


You hear the following expressions on the phone. What do they mean?
Choose the correct answers.


a) You’re very faint.
1. You are speaking too loudly.
2. You are speaking too quickly.
3. The connection is very bad.


b) He’s tied up at the moment.
1. He’s busy.
2. He’s coming to the phone.
3. He’s off sick.


c) Could you read that back to me?
1. Can I check what you just said?
2. Can you check what I just said?
3. Shall I say that again?


d) Can you bear with me a second?
1. Can you understand me?
2.Would you wait while I check something?
3. I need to connect you with someone else.


e) I’ll get back to you first thing tomorrow morning.
1. I will come and visit you very early tomorrow morning.
2. I will try and find out as soon as I get into the office tomorrow.
3. I will phone you back very early tomorrow morning.


Choose the polite reply in each of these conversations.

f) Can I speak to Mike?
1. Who are you?
2. Tell me your name, please?
3. Who’s calling, please?


g) Could I have your name, please?
1. Yes, I’m June Saunders.
2. It’s June Saunders.
3. Here’s June Saunders.

h) This is Oliver March
1. What was that?
2. Sorry?
3. Repeat, please.


i) Is she free on Friday?
1. Certainly not.
2. No, she isn’t.
3. I’m afraid not.


j) Would Tuesday or Wednesday suit you better?
1. I don’t mind.
2. I don’t care.
3. It’s equal.


k) Is that everything?
1. Yes, of course it is.
2. Yes, that’s the lot.
3. Yes, naturally.


Weitere Tipps zum Thema 'Englisch am Telefon' finden Sie in Secretary Today


Answers: a – 3, b – 1, c – 1, d – 2, e – 3, f – 3, g – 2, h – 2, i – 3, j – 1, k - 2