Make your guests feel at home by honing in in their 5 senses

Natürlich lächeln Sie Ihren Besuch immer an. Sie bieten auch etwas zu trinken an. Sie können aber noch viel mehr dafür tun, dass Ihre Gäste sich wohl fühlen. Sprechen Sie alle fünf Sinne an.

Wie das geht, verrät Ihnen der Newsletter Secretary Today - Professionelles Business English für Sekretärinnen und Assistentinnen.

Of course you always welcome your guests with a friendly smile, a few kind words and a warm handshake. But you can do even more to make them feel really welcome. Make your visitors feel at home by honing in on their 5 senses.

Seeing. Establish eye contact.
Touching. Greet the person with a confident handshake.
Hearing. Use the visitor´s name during your greeting and when you say goodbye.
Tasting. Offer the person a beverage. If they decline the first time, ask again. Some people refuse the first offer out of politeness.
Smelling. Make sure your office smells fresh, but don´t overwhelm your visitor with your perfume. Wear only enough so that you, not you guest, are aware of your favourite scent.

Intercultural tip: If you offer a beverage to Chinese visitors, they may refuse twice or even three times. Refusing something two or three times is normal polite etiquette in China, so ask one more time.

When you invite guests to your company, observe these codes of behaviour

  • Tell the receptionist you are expecting someone and when you expect them to arrive. Be sure to include your guest´s name and any special instructions.
  • You can make your guests feel especially welcome by having a welcome message for them in the lobby of your building. This can be electronic or printed on a flip chart.
  • Prepare a name tag for your guest to wear and have it with you, or leave it at the reception. This shows you have prepared the visit in advance. If your guest is wearing a name tag it also means that each company employee they encounter will be able to adress them by name. Everyone appreciates this kind of personal touch.
  • When someone else shows a guest your office, don´t remain seated but stand up and walk out from behind your desk to greet the person and offer a handshake as a gesture of hospitality.
  • Offer your visitor coffee, tea or a soft drink.

Mit welchen Formulierungen Sie Ihre Gäste in perfektem Business English Willkommen heißen, lesen Sie im Newsletter Secretary Today - Professionelles Business English für Sekretärinnen und Assistentinnen.