Find out how professional you are when you talk about problems on the phone

Finden Sie für aufgebrachte Kunden bei Beschwerden am Telefon immer die richtigen Worte? Machen Sie den Test und prüfen Sie Ihr Vokabular.

Dealing with problems or complaints on the phone is a real challenge. You have to show the customer that you are taking the call seriously, you have to find out exactly what the complaint is about and you have to offer a solution. This can be difficult, especially when you’re speaking English! So let Secretary Today help you.

Here are some useful phrases for you to use when you deal with customer complaints. But first, complete each one by filling in the gaps using the words in bold.

credit | damaged | handling | inconvenience | mistake | processed | replacement | return | sample

  1. 1) It sounds as if the problem is due to bad ………………… .
  2. 2) Could you send me a ………………… of the ………………… goods?
  3. 3) I’m really very sorry. Our logistics department must have made a small ……………
  4. when they ………………… your order.
  5. 4) If you’d like to ………………… it we’ll send you a ………………… immediately, or we’ll give you a ………………… note.
  6. 5) I’m sorry again for any ………………… caused by this.

Having professional phrases like these ready, and using them in a sincere and friendly manner can make all the difference. So study and practice them and use them next time a customer calls with a complaint. You’ll be delighted at how effective they are.



to process hier: abwickeln
goods Ware
sincere aufrichtig

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Answers: 1) handling | 2) sample / damaged | 3) mistake / processed | 4) return / replacement / credit | 5) inconvenience