Englisch am Telefon: So melden Sie sich richtig

Are you a receptionist? Receptionists have one of the most important jobs in a company. It is your voice customers hear first when they call for the first time. It is your job to know where everybody in the company works, and to put people through to the right person, and it is your job to tell callers when that person is not available. Of course, you can do this in German, but in English it can be quite a challenge.

Wenn Sie anhand der Vorwahl im Telefondisplay erkennen, dass es sich um eine Nummer aus dem nicht deutschsprachigen Ausland handelt, sollten Sie sich bereits auf Englisch melden.

Here are some tips that will make your job much easier when you are dealing with international callers.

1. Always smile when you answer the phone. It really does work. Just try it.

2. Always answer the phone with an appropriate greeting.

  • Good morning, XYZ Company. How may I help you?
  • Good afternoon, XYZ Company. Jessica Klein speaking. How may I help you?
  • Good afternoon, XYZ Company. With whom may I connect you?

3. Answer the phone after the second or third ring.

4. If your company policy requires you to ask for the caller’s name before you connect them, do it politely.

  • May I tell her who’s calling?
  • May I ask you for your name, please?

5. Never put someone on hold for longer than a few seconds without asking them. They may be calling long distance, or their cell phone battery may be running low. Or they just might hate being put on hold.

  • May I put you on hold for a moment?
  • Would you mind if I put you on hold for a couple of minutes?

6. Always thank a person for waiting.

  • Thank you for holding.

7. Be helpful. If the person the caller wanted to talk to is not available, offer to take a message, or ask them if they want to leave a message on the person’s voicemail.

  • Mr Brown is on a business trip until tomorrow afternoon. Would you like to leave a message?
  • Can she call you back this afternoon?

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