5 Tips for talking to a call centre agent

Immer häufiger landen wir imCallcenter, wenn wir Informationen brauchen, Produkte bestellen oder etwas reklamieren wollen. Mit einem Callcenteragenten zu telefonieren kann eine Herausforderung sein.

Bereiten Sie sich auf Ihr nächstes Gespräch vor mit diesen fünf Tipps von Secretary Today - Professionelles Business English für Sekretärinnen und Assistentinnen.

If you call the customer services department of a large company in the UK or USA, the chances are that you will speak to someone in a call centre. Companies regularly outsource their service departments to cut costs and to centralise customer services operations. This may be an advantage for them, but it can make it difficult for you to have your enquiry answered immediately and effectively. Use these five tips to make the most of call centres.

Make sure you have all the information you need to help the person dealing with your call

Here are some phrases to expect.

  • Can you give me your name?
  • Can I have your account number, please?
  • What´s your post code / zip code?
  • What´s the nature of your enquiry?
  • Can you give me the invoice number?
  • When did you order the goods?

Don´t get angry

If you are calling with a complaint, don´t get angry. Prepare in advance how you will explain the problem. Know what solutions would be acceptable to you.

Here are some useful phrases.

  • I´m calling with an enquiry.
  • I´m calling to ask about my order.
  • I´m calling to complain about...
  • I´m still waiting for delivery.
  • I´m not satisfied with the goods.
  • You sent me the wrong equipment.
  • I´d like a refund, please.

Ask for clarification

If you don´t understand the other person, or they didn´t understand you, ask for clarification or tell them what they got wrong.

Here are some useful phrases.

  • Sorry, that was too fast. Could you repeat the last part of what you were saying?
  • Sorry, I didn´t get that figure. Could you say it again, please?
  • Actually, I didn´t say X. I said Y.
  • Sorry, but that´s not what I meant. What I did mean to say was ....
  • I think there´s been a misunderstanding. What I need is ...

Prepare for the next step

If the person can´t help you, ask what the next step is.

Here are some useful phrases.

  • So, what happens next?
  • So, who do I need to contact about a refund?
  • So, where do we go from here?
  • When will the insurance company call me?
  • What do you suggest we do now?

Secretary Today - Professionelles Business English für Sekretärinnen und Assistentinnen

Thank the person

Thank the person for their help. It´s only good manners! Also, make sure you have their name. Note it down with the date and time of the call. You may need it for future reference.

Here are some useful phrases.

  • Thank you very much for your help, Mary.
  • Could you tell me who I´ve been talking to?
  • I didn´t catch your name. Could you give it to me?
  • I appreciate your help. Thanks.