What is "Zimmerkontingent" in English?

Viele nützliche deutsche Wörter und Begriffe Ihrer Tätigkeit als Sekretärin oder Assistentin lassen sich nur schwer ins Englische übertragen. Secretary Today nimmt sie unter die Lupe und hilft Ihnen, die wichtigsten schwierigen Begriffe Ihres Berufsalltags perfekt zu übersetzen. Heute geht es um "Zimmerkontingente".

In Germany, when you are organising an event like a conference or a meeting, you can ask the hotel for a "Zimmerkontingent". In English, you tell the receptionist that you want to arrange a "block booking".

This is how you tell the participants about the booking:

  • There is a limited number of rooms available at special rates for conference participants. Please check availability with the hotel.
  • A block booking under the title "Strategy Meeting" has been made at the special rate of $105 a night. This block booking is available until February 2, 2009.

So what about the English word "contingent"?

It is usually used as an adjective. You use it

1. to describe something that is subject to change

  • Due to the contingent nature of the job, seasonal labourers have to be prepared to travel.

2. to describe something that might happen if particular events occur

  • Businesses need to be aware of their liabilities, both actual and contingent.

As a noun, "contingent" means

1. a group of people united by some common feature who form part of a larger group

  • A contingent of Japanese businessmen arrived at the conference.

2. a body of troops or police sent to join a larger force in operation

  • The USA sent a further contingent of 200 soldiers to Afghanistan.

Secretary Today
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