Can you talk about the time?

Test your knowledge of general time expressions with this exercise. Complete these sentences by translating the German words and phrases.

1. Can I call you back .......... (morgen Nachmittag gegen 15 Uhr)?
2. The last time I spoke to him was .......... (vorgestern).
3. John will be back from holiday .......... (übermorgen).
4. I remember you. We met at the seminar .......... (vorletzte Woche).
5. I haven't seen him at all .......... (in letzter Zeit).
6. I wish I could help you but I can't give you any more information .......... (zur Zeit).
7. I'm expecting to be promoted .......... (in nächster Zeit).
8. I didn't sleep well .......... (vergangene Nacht).
9. I will have the report ready .......... (bis heute Abend).
10. Is it true that the CEO will be coming here .......... (am Montag in einer Woche)?
11. Yes, she's coming here, but she's due .......... (morgen in einer Woche).
12. I worked in the paper industry for ten years. I started working in my present job .......... (kurz danach).

Secretary Today
Perfekte britische und amerikanische Korrespondenz, Gespräche, Telefonate, Geschäftsbesuche und sicherer Small Talk

1 – tomorrow afternoon at around 3 p.m.
2 – the day before yesterday
3 – the day after tomorrow
4 – last week but one / the week before last
5 – recently
6 – at the moment
7 – in the near future / soon
8 – last night
9 – by this evening
10 – a week on Monday / on Monday week
11 – a week tomorrow
12 – shortly afterwards / soon afterwards