Business grammar tips Mai 2005

Business grammar tips

Mit den praktischen Grammatiktipps von Secretary Today vermeiden Sie peinliche Fehler und wirken immer professionell.

When to use ‘until’ and ‘by’

In the articles on collection letters and making a hotel reservation by phone, you will have noticed two different ways of saying the German ‘bis’.



Compare these sentences:

Payment is requested by June 7. This means you can pay any time between now and June 7. Payments received after June 7 will be too late.

The hotel is fully booked until the end of May.
This means you can stay at the hotel in June.

I will be in the office by 10 am. = I will arrive at the office at 10 am at the latest.

I will be in the office until 10 am. = I will leave the office at 10 am.


Test yourself -

1. I waited for the post ............. 10 am but it didn’t arrive.  It’s usually there .............. 9.30.

2. Can I borrow your pocket calculator .......... this evening? – You can keep it .......... tomorrow, if you want. I don’t need it ............ Wednesday.

3. If you are not at the airport .............. 2 pm you’ll miss your flight.

4. If things haven’t changed dramatically ............ 2006 the majority of secretaries will have more than two bosses.


Weitere Tipps zum Thema 'English Grammar' finden Sie in Secretary Today

1 until - by; 2 until - until - until; 3 by; 4 by.